So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18
Inspiring stories and encouraging encounters:
a glimpse into the truths of God and how He reveals His "Crystal Heart" through life experiences.
a glimpse into the truths of God and how He reveals His "Crystal Heart" through life experiences.
Life is Precious
My Body, My Choice. My Baby - No Voice.
Love’s what I wanted and sought to obtain,
the boy was available and sought for the same.
What was thought to be love, came a choice to be made,
one would uplift, the other degrade.
My body, my choice. My conscience - no voice.
The day eventually arrived when consequences were clear,
“You are pregnant” the nurse said, with a firm, sterile sneer.
“But no need to stress”, she continued to say,
It’s just a fetus inside and an abortion is the way.”
The Planned Parenthood nurse then gave me a card of the place,
recommended to quietly put away this inconvenient disgrace.
She boldly stated, “you’re way too young to be strapped like this,
you have your whole life ahead of you, oh so much you would miss.”
“And, just in case you’re afraid of the physical pain,
it can be likened to having a tooth pulled, not a terrible disdain.”
I asked how big was the baby inside,
“Baby?, why no it’s just a fetus”, she cried!
“A fetus” I said, “isn’t that the same thing as a baby?”
“No, it’s just blood clot and tissue, she bitterly persuaded.
My body, my choice. No baby - no voice.
I remember the day when it finally arrived,
to remove the life I’d been feeling inside.
Everything in my heart said “run from this averse”,
but thoughts of rejection and fear drove the hearse.
I awoke from the procedure in physical and emotional pain,
but the “fetus” was gone, and I thought so was my shame.
The procedure actually hurt more than a pulled tooth,
but the real pain was the remorse of knowing the truth.
My body, my choice. No baby - no voice.
As the years went by I stuffed this sin down,
until the birth of my youngest child came around.
One day in his carrier as he slept came a thought;
“the baby you murdered was just like this tot.”
Maybe not fully developed, as this one was once too;
but given more time the baby would have grew –
into a little babe like you now have in your care,
God would have helped you with the burden to bear.
Instead you have lived all these years with the guilt,
and the lies the clinic offered of the blood that was spilt.
But now your baby’s in heaven and God holds it tight,
waiting one day for the two of you to reunite.”
I asked God for forgiveness, and in that moment found peace,
and the guilt washed away and the emotional pain ceased.
I now understand that the life inside me,
was more than a blood clot and tissue would be.
It was a precious baby I had been given by God;
a most treasured life to be revered, protected, and awed.
My body, my choice. My baby... “NOW”... its voice.
Janie Bakke
Love’s what I wanted and sought to obtain,
the boy was available and sought for the same.
What was thought to be love, came a choice to be made,
one would uplift, the other degrade.
My body, my choice. My conscience - no voice.
The day eventually arrived when consequences were clear,
“You are pregnant” the nurse said, with a firm, sterile sneer.
“But no need to stress”, she continued to say,
It’s just a fetus inside and an abortion is the way.”
The Planned Parenthood nurse then gave me a card of the place,
recommended to quietly put away this inconvenient disgrace.
She boldly stated, “you’re way too young to be strapped like this,
you have your whole life ahead of you, oh so much you would miss.”
“And, just in case you’re afraid of the physical pain,
it can be likened to having a tooth pulled, not a terrible disdain.”
I asked how big was the baby inside,
“Baby?, why no it’s just a fetus”, she cried!
“A fetus” I said, “isn’t that the same thing as a baby?”
“No, it’s just blood clot and tissue, she bitterly persuaded.
My body, my choice. No baby - no voice.
I remember the day when it finally arrived,
to remove the life I’d been feeling inside.
Everything in my heart said “run from this averse”,
but thoughts of rejection and fear drove the hearse.
I awoke from the procedure in physical and emotional pain,
but the “fetus” was gone, and I thought so was my shame.
The procedure actually hurt more than a pulled tooth,
but the real pain was the remorse of knowing the truth.
My body, my choice. No baby - no voice.
As the years went by I stuffed this sin down,
until the birth of my youngest child came around.
One day in his carrier as he slept came a thought;
“the baby you murdered was just like this tot.”
Maybe not fully developed, as this one was once too;
but given more time the baby would have grew –
into a little babe like you now have in your care,
God would have helped you with the burden to bear.
Instead you have lived all these years with the guilt,
and the lies the clinic offered of the blood that was spilt.
But now your baby’s in heaven and God holds it tight,
waiting one day for the two of you to reunite.”
I asked God for forgiveness, and in that moment found peace,
and the guilt washed away and the emotional pain ceased.
I now understand that the life inside me,
was more than a blood clot and tissue would be.
It was a precious baby I had been given by God;
a most treasured life to be revered, protected, and awed.
My body, my choice. My baby... “NOW”... its voice.
Janie Bakke
For more information contact us at [email protected]
Connecting With Christ Through "Jewels" of Transparency