Several years ago during Christmas my granddaughters, Mirabelle and Sloane, ages 3 and 4 at the time, wrote an enchanting story.
They knew I was writing a Christmas blog each day and posting it for others to read. My daughter contacted me and said that the girls had made up a story of their own. They then told it to their mommy who wrote it down, since neither one of them knew how to write at the time. The girls thought this would be a great story to add to my collection. Of course I thought it was absolutely darling that they wanted to be like their grandma and do some writing of their own.
My daughter sent me the story and after reading it I had to agree with the grand-girls…it was a wonderful addition to my stories. In fact it is the best one!
I can see them in my mind’s eye as they collectively dictated the story to their mommy, with hearts full of love for all that is right and good in this world. In their minds, if something is “broken”, it can be fixed. There is hope strewn throughout their little story. There may be a problem, but there is an answer and the answer is clear…
Here is their enchanted tale. They titled it - The Ice Witches’ First Christmas Party!
In a faraway kingdom there was a Snow Prince and Princess who loved Christmas time! They loved that it was Jesus’s birthday, and a time to give and receive presents. To show their love of Christmas they threw a big birthday celebration every year on Christmas Eve for Jesus.
High up in the mountains of the Kingdom lived an Ice Witch, who despised Christmas! She didn’t know Jesus; she wanted to get rid of Christmas all together. The Prince and Princess tried to visit the witch to inform her about the meaning of Christmas and why it was so important. But her heart was too frozen and she wouldn’t let them through the gate without them being harmed. This kept the Ice Witch from receiving their message.
While the Prince and Princess were preparing for the celebration the Ice Witch cast a dark magic spell to steal their Christmas spirit. Soon as the spell was cast the Prince and Princess forgot the meaning of Christmas and started fighting over gifts, money, and their time. Before long decorations for the party were ruined! Word got out that Jesus’s Birthday was canceled, and the Prince and Princess were fighting. The witch was tickled to discover that her spell had worked! Now everyone would be as unhappy as she was.
A Fairy in the land was a good friend of the Prince and Princess. She had seen through her crystal ball on the top of her wand, that fighting had broken out in the castle. She was determined to help them, but how? The Fairy said a pray and asked God to reveal to her an answer to the problem. She heard back, “Show them the real meaning of Christmas.” She knew just what to do, and flew off to the palace.
Meanwhile, the witch headed to the castle to observe firsthand the chaos she had created.
As the Fairy arrived, she gathered families from the village to sing a baby Jesus song in the castle. The Fairy used her magic wand to create music and the town folks began to sing. The divine singing brought tears to the Prince and Princesses’ eyes, as well as the witches, who was watching secretly in the rafters.
The beauty and love of Jesus’s birth broke the spell! Joy filled the room as new decorations were brought out. The birthday party was back on! The best part was the unexpected guest who attended this year, the Ice Witch! The message had finally gotten through to her; she was now too a recipient of the Christmas spirit.
The End!
Here are a few observations I made upon reading their story:
There is always a prince or princess in every (little girls) story.
There is a clear understanding of the true meaning of Christmas.
There is a desire to change people’s hearts so they are happy.
There is complete acceptance of others
Peace and harmony are important attributes in a “kingdom.”
There is always a happy ending.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we, as adults could tap into the truths that are present in the observation list above from the story of "The Ice Witches’ First Christmas Party."
1) There is always a prince or princess in every (little girls) story.
We are sons and daughters of the King of kings, and the Lord or lords.
2) There is a clear understanding of the true meaning of Christmas.
Jesus Christ the son of God who took on human form and was born in a stable in Bethlehem and laid in a manger, because there was no room in the Inn. The baby Jesus was God coming into the world to save his people from sin and death.
3) There is a desire to change people’s hearts so they are happy.
When we make Jesus Lord of our lives He takes up resident in our hearts and fills us with joy.
4) There is complete acceptance of others.
Jesus died for all people, and He calls us to “love our neighbor as our self”.
5) Peace and harmony are important attributes in a “kingdom.”
God calls us to be kind and live peaceably with one another, respecting the planet and the resources He has provided.
6) There is always a happy ending.
If we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and ask Him into our hearts, we will live forever with Him in heaven when our life on earth is over.
I have to admit, these points make for a great story. But it doesn’t have to be just a nice “story”. It can be a reality. You just have to BELIEVE!
So, write your story! And when you do, be sure to include the truths that are present in “The Ice Witches’ First Christmas Party”. Then, share your story…It’ll be the best story you have ever told!